Modernos Eternos BH promove eventos para fortalecer a relação entre pais e filhos


In the bustling city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, the Modernos Eternos BH event is making waves with its latest addition – a dedicated space for children designed by the talented Patricia Bigonha. This new space, named "Era Uma Vez" (Once Upon a Time), is set to enchant both parents and children alike with its thoughtful design and interactive elements. Patricia Bigonha, a renowned designer, is set to host three engaging events within the Modernos Eternos BH showcase, each aimed at strengthening the bond between parents and their little ones.

Modernos Eternos BH abre as portas para o mundo infantil – Designer Patrícia Bigonha promove três eventos que enriquecem a relação entre pais e filhos

Em meio a tantos eventos de destaque em Belo Horizonte, o Modernos Eternos BH se destaca ao oferecer um espaço exclusivo para as crianças, o "Quarto Era Uma Vez", projetado pela talentosa Patricia Bigonha. Este novo espaço promete encantar tanto pais quanto filhos com seu design cuidadoso e elementos interativos. Patricia Bigonha, uma designer renomada, está planejando hospedar três eventos envolventes dentro da mostra do Modernos Eternos BH, cada um com o objetivo de fortalecer o vínculo entre pais e seus pequenos.

Experience and Knowledge Sharing

With her vast experience in the field of interior design and a deep understanding of the needs of both parents and children, Patricia Bigonha brings a unique perspective to the world of children’s spaces. Her creations are not just aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional, catering to the developmental needs of young minds. Through these events, she aims to share her expertise and insights with parents, guiding them on how to create harmonious and nurturing environments for their children.

A Journey Through Design

The "Era Uma Vez" room, conceptualized and brought to life by Patricia Bigonha, is more than just a physical space. It is a journey through design, where every element tells a story and sparks the imagination. The choice of color palette, furniture, and decor reflects Patricia’s belief in the power of design to evoke emotions and create lasting memories. By immersing themselves in this enchanting space, parents and children can experience the magic of childhood and strengthen their bond through shared moments of creativity and play.

Enriching Events

Through a series of three events, Patricia Bigonha invites parents to delve deeper into the world of childhood and design. The first event, led by personal organizer Vanessa Werneck, focuses on simplifying the organization of children’s spaces. This practical session will provide valuable tips and insights on how to create a functional and clutter-free environment for kids.

The second event, featuring Lorena Furtado, tackles one of the most challenging aspects of parenting – children’s sleep. With a discussion on "Children’s Sleep and Peaceful Nights," parents will gain valuable knowledge on creating bedtime routines and fostering healthy sleep habits in their little ones.

The final event, led by teacher Cislene Gomes de Freitas, promises an interactive storytelling session that will transport children and parents alike to magical worlds. Through the art of storytelling, families can bond over shared experiences and create cherished memories together.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Quais são os temas abordados nos eventos promovidos por Patrícia Bigonha?
  • Como a design de interiores se destaca no projeto do "Quarto Era Uma Vez"?
  • Qual é a proposta do evento Modernos Eternos BH?
  • Quais são as vantagens de participar dos eventos da Modernos Eternos BH?
  • Como a relação entre pais e filhos é fortalecida através do design de Patrícia Bigonha?
  • O que os participantes podem esperar dos eventos interativos na Modernos Eternos BH?

Com um toque de magia e uma dose de criatividade, Patricia Bigonha está transformando a experiência de design infantil em Belo Horizonte. Por meio dos eventos na Modernos Eternos BH, ela não apenas apresenta um novo espaço para crianças, mas também cria oportunidades para pais e filhos se conectarem e compartilharem momentos especiais juntos. Ao participar desses eventos, as famílias poderão descobrir a importância do design afetivo e do brincar na infância, criando laços que perdurarão por toda a vida. Através da visão única de Patricia Bigonha, o Modernos Eternos BH promete encantar e inspirar a todos que desejam vivenciar a magia do mundo infantil.